We Experiment
The ham radio hobby offer limitless opportunities to learn and experiment. What will be your next ham radio experiment?
We Experiment by Building New Hardware and Software
Our members make homemade yagi’s for ham radio foxhunts, antennas for every conceivable ham band, baluns for unbalanced feed lines, chokes to tame SWR, raspberry pi’s micro-computers for mobile digital operations, and novel battery configurations for emergency use. The list of ham radio-related hardware and software our members create goes on-and-on-and-on.

Our Informative Monthly Meetings Present Our Members With Valuable Tips and Techniques for Experimenting
Each month our members are presented with a wide-ranging array of amateur radio-related topics that over the years, has covered virtually every major aspect of the ham radio hobby. We learn to experiment with radios and antennas, solar and battery power, radio-to-internet related digital communications, digital modes, as well as learn practical methods of “getting on the air.”