Central Mississippi Amateur Radio Association Net

The Central Mississippi Amateur Radio Association Net meets each Thursday at 2000 hours local time for the purpose of encouraging communications among amateur radio operators. All licensed amateurs are welcome and encouraged to check into this net. Central Mississippi ARES holds a traffic handling net at 7pm on Monday evening with a digital practice net at 8pm. Both nets are on the 145.390 repeater. Please see msares.com for more information about MS ARES.

This net is conducted on the CMSARA 147.345 repeater, which has a positive offset and a 100 Hz tone. When checking in, please, slowly and clearly, give your call sign and name. Immediately following the first round of check-ins, we will offer each station the opportunity to make a brief comment or announcement for the net. If you do not want to be called on for comments, just announce “no comment” when checking in. Please limit comments to matters pertaining to amateur radio or club activity.