Rebranding for the Next Generation of Central Mississippi Amateur Radio Operators…
CMSARA has continued to grow and evolve as a club; however, the branding projected to both the public and the amateur radio world has not. We are proud to introduce CMSARA’s new and improved logo, the cornerstone of all future digital, print, and public communications.
CMSARA’s informal motto is that we do things other clubs don’t normally do. In other words — #wedostuff. But what do we do?
We give tests for the FCC required licenses at these monthly meetings as well as many of our public events.
CMSARA is also an ARRL Special Service Club — one of only a few clubs that qualify for this designation in the state of Mississippi.
ARRL defines a Special Services Club as “a club that exists to go above and beyond for their communities and for Amateur Radio is what defines a Special Service Club (SSC). They are the leaders in their Amateur Radio communities who provide active training classes, publicity programs and actively pursue technical projects and operating activities. “
If you want to experience being part of an amateur radio group that truly does things differently than the others, we encourage you to either drop by one of our monthly meetings, or attend any of the special events (e.g., bike rides, races, etc.) we support.
Our members can answer almost any question you might have regarding how to become a new ham radio operator, licensing test schedules, or provide you with practical advice on “getting on and staying on the air.” We hope to see you soon!